The Cucumber Horticulturist


The Cucumber Horticulturist 

William Grant & Sons



During these unfamiliar times, William Grant & Sons wants to keep the curious spirit of World Cucumber Day alive as they celebrate the noble fruit that has a starring role in Hendrick’s Gin.



Every year on World Cucumber Day, Hendrick’s Gin turns the humble cucumber into currency where consumers can exchange cucumbers for a Hendrick’s Gin & Tonic.

Moving the celebration online, we conceptualised and produced an AR-fueled game where fans take on the role of cucumber horticulturists. The game uses facial recognition software to track players face to control a pot and catch water droplets to grow a virtual cucumber plant.

Once they’ve harvested their virtual cucumbers, players can use them as ‘currency’ and exchange it for delicious surprises at selected authorised retailers. Originally meant as a Singapore activation, the campaign was expanded to other key southeast asian markets including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand.

Become a cucumber horticulturist:

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